"When you live in total acceptance of what is, that is the end of all the drama in your life". – Eckhart Tolle

The Third Door to Inner Peace: Our Attitude
I like to think of these 'Rules' to inner peace as doors we can open and step through. Each door leads to the same place - a calm, centered state of mind. Some doors open easily for us, while others may be jammed shut or need extra effort to unlock. The good news is, there are many doors, so we have options to find peace within.
One of the most powerful doors is our attitude - how we choose to relate to our experiences in each moment. Our attitude shapes our peace of mind more than we realise. When we approach life with wisdom, self-compassion and an open heart, we suffer less and find inner calm. But when we react to circumstances with judgment, resistance and blame, we stay stuck in cycles of distress.
We all have anxious, painful and distressing experiences at times. It's natural to feel bad when difficult things happen. But we have a choice in how we respond. We can continue habitual patterns of judging ourselves, or we can cultivate awareness and meet our experiences with compassion. For example, when feeling anxious, we might say to ourselves:
Anxiety, you're here. I accept you. Thank you for keeping me alive. How can I support you?
This simple shift in perspective can change our experience completely. The anxiety may or may not go away, but we suffer less. We tap into an inner peace that isn't dependent on circumstances.
Our criteria for a "good" experience is often shaped by past conditioning, not inner wisdom.
But we can grow beyond those limitations by embracing each moment as an opportunity to choose peace. Whatever arises, we can meet it with care, accept it without judgment and let go of wishing things were different. This allows us to stop being victims of circumstance and become masters of our experience.
Take time to notice where you get caught in cycles of distress. See if you can meet your experience with self-compassion instead of judgment. Accept what you find without trying to change it. Find the peace that comes from opening the door of wise attitude in each moment. This is a practice that transforms lives by connecting us to inner freedom - our source of peace that nothing can disturb.
May you walk through the door of wise attitude, and discover depths of peace within. Our attitude in each moment makes all the difference.